
Thank you for stopping by my little corner on the internet. Here you will find information I’ve been gathering about subjects that affect me, such as multiple sclerosis, endometriosis, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic and traumatic stress, and chronic fatigue. You will also find personal reflections and confessions on what life feels like for me sometimes and how I cope – or not. Browse away.

16 thoughts on “Welcome

    1. I was actually reading your post when you left me this comment. Thank you! It’s hard for me to accept these nominations because I never know who to nominate without making it a really long list *scratches head*. But I will give it some more thought. Thanks again. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I understand. It took me a few weeks to get rolling on this acceptance and then it came together in that strange way you saw today. Very unconventional. But as long as you say 7 things about yourself, it seems you can do it in any post as all, you know? Throw in a couple favorite blogs and boom. New pretty widget 😉 lol.
    The whole point was that I wanted you and everyone else to know I dig your blog. Mission accomplished ❤


  2. Hi. I know you have already been nominated twice for the lovely blog award, but I put in my post for the Liebster award as well 😉

    This is an award for new bloggers with less than 200 followers.
    This a great way to do some networking. The Liebster award nominees are chosen by fellow bloggers. Each blogger that accepts chooses 11 other blogs to nominate, and so on, so it helps those of us with few followers get out there and be seen.

    If you choose to accept the nomination, there are a few things for you to complete and post on your site. Take a look at the requirements, you can see them at the link to my Liebster award post, then see what you think.

    After you select your nominees, feel free to cut and paste parts of this message in order to make your own version. That is what I did.

    You are not obligated to participate, but it would be very beneficial for you to do so.

    The details and questions are in my post at http://lovemylifeanyway.wordpress.com/2014/11/30/liebster-award/

    I was nominated by cjohera. You can find her post with her questions and answers at https://cjohera.wordpress.com/2014/11/28/leibster-award/


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